Monday, November 23, 2009

Long time no see!

So, I've decided to start blogging again. What I'll talk about, who knows? I'd do an update about what's gone on in my life since my last post, but I'm thinking that anyone who reads this (all 8 of you) pretty much know me and know what I've been up to. Let's just see what I can come up with - I can usually talk your damn ear off once I get going!

How about I tell you about my weekend? OK, good.

Saturday. I met up with my fellow Box-girls Lindsey and Donata. We had a nice, girly, KID-FREE evening out. Dinner at a kickass Italian place, followed by some hot vampires and werewolves in a little flick called NEW MOON. Sigh. I do so love me some hot mythical creatures.

Sunday we had family pics/kids' Christmas pics. Oh my hell. I had apparently forgotten how much it positively BLOWS to try to sit a toddler still long enough to get a decent picture. Lauren, thankfully, has learned to sit still, even if she is doing the cheesy fake smile thing. I'll take what I can get! Which was exactly three family shots and two kid shots. Oh, and the day before? Christopher slammed his head into an end table, leaving a giant goose egg and a scratch in the middle of his forehead. Followed by Sunday 15 minutes before we're leaving, when he tripped and fell into my bed, causing yet another facial bruise. Such is life with a boy, I guess. At least Lauren managed not to shed any blood, and she did look damn cute in her Christmas best! I am not at all biased, but I do make some beeeeeautiful babies.


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