Monday, January 19, 2009

Not Me Monday...

Another week, huh? I should probably update this thing more than once a week, with a little something more than Not Me Mondays. Oh well.

I did NOT volunteer just now to go to Burger King (blech!) so that Melissa's little boy can get a Happy Meal toy.
I did NOT completely forget that Big Love started up again last night.
I did NOT spend way too much time watching last week's GH episodes on my computer last night when I should have been sleeping.
I did NOT allow my son to sleep on his belly just so he'd stay asleep a little while longer.
I did NOT completely blow all my points today and keep on eating.
I did NOT stalk to see if my "delivered" status changed, even though the post office is closed.

1 comment:

Cammie said...

there is nothing worse then a new Twilight Fan that can't get her hands on the book she needs.....